Which one do you like the most for "modern" heavy power chords? I prefer something with a lot of "round robin" samples so it doesn't sound fake when playing the same note multiple times in a row, and lots of velocity cross-switches. I wouldn't bother w/ Electri6ity- just way, way, way too damn complicated- just my opinion. But, if you work hard at it and get creative you can get some pretty damn convincing results.
#Vir2 electri6ity vs reallpc software#
This is a very hard instrument to get right in a software instrument. Indiginus Acoustic Guitar Collections (Kontakt) is also quite amazing as is Evolution / Strawberry Electric from Orange Tree (some people swear by this one).

Pettinhouse is very good- but some of the notes are out of tune.too out of tune.I've sent the programmer notes on it and he's wokring on it. Suprisingly, the lesser known ones (the ones that aren't officaly "Powered by Kontakt"- which just means you don't get the pretty picture under the libraries tab) are in some cases way better and WAY cheaper than the main-stream, expensive ones. For heavy stuff, I have NI Rammfire, which is also great!! I find I get the best resuts, for both lead and strumming, with MOR 2 Clean guitar and then applying my own sims: often a combo of NI GR4 and Soft Tube Vintage Room. The bottom line is, like the above poster said, Electri6ity is extremely complex. Indiginus Acoustic Guitar Collections (Kontakt) Pettinhouse Direct Guitar and Humbucker (Kontakt)ħ.

Orange Tree Strawberry / Evolution Electric (Kontakt)Ħ. Applied Acoustics: both the clean electric and distorted electricĥ. I seriously have been on this mission for as long as I can remember and I have just about all of them (except Prominy).